This data is a survey of 49609 first-year college students in Taiwan for the year
2003 about their preferences for college study.
The following question is the multiple response question used in this study.
Question : What kind of experience do you expect to receive during the period
of college study? (Select at least one response)
- Read Chinese and foreign classics
- Travel around Taiwan
- Present academic papers in conferences
- Lead large-scale activities
- Be on a school team
- Be a student association leader
- Participate internship programs
- Fall in love
- Have sexual experience
- Travel around the world
- Make many friends
- Other
¡» Data file : data_3_Q7¡@
There are 12 responses in the data set.
¡½ Response variable :
"1" denotes the respondent select the response ;
"0" denotes the respondent does not select the response ;
Blank denotes the missing value.